Quick Facts

What are Chronic Wounds ?

In addition to poor circulation, neuropathy, and difficulty moving, factors that contribute to chronic wounds include systemic illnesses, age, and repeated trauma. Comorbid ailments that may contribute to the formation of chronic wounds include vasculitis (an inflammation of blood vessels), immune suppression, pyoderma gangrenosum, and diseases that cause ischemia. Immune suppression can be caused by illnesses or medical drugs used over a long period, for example steroids.

What type of stem cells are used and why ?

Stem Cell Therapy (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) provides access to treatment that utilizes a patient’s stem cells isolated from their own bone marrow. There are multiple inherent benefits afforded by the utilization of bone marrow derived stem cells including their ability to differentiate into a broad variety of cells types (neurons, bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon, etc.), they are present at comparatively much higher levels than other stem cell types, possess unique immune-modulating properties, and they do not endanger a patient’s health the way other stem cells might.

  • What steps are involved in receiving treatment through Stem Cell Therapy?
  • How Well It Works
  • Important Points

The use of stem cells in the treatment of chronic wounds is a very exciting field of genetic medicine. Current concepts range from isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from the patient and peri-wound injection leading to increased new blood vessel formation (Angiogenesis) and immuno-modulation (Altering the immunity to create better healing conditions).

Careful patient selection and an extensive pre-operative work up to assess the immunological status of the patient and a regimen of immuno-modulatory therapy is an essential pre-requisite to prepare the patient to recieve stem cell therapy for chronic non healing wounds.

The clinic undertakes this highly specialised regiment principally in non-healing wounds of the lower limb, mostly chronic venous ulcers or well granulated, non-infected diabetic wounds, pressure sores etc.

In carefuly selected patients who have undergone the full treatment regimen, we have had excellent results with as high as 60-70% wound shrinkage and wound healing helping us in achieving complete wound clousre using onlay grafts, or other advanced wound dressings.

The Clinic has a multi-speciality team that comprises Vascular Surgeons, General Surgeons, Orthopaedicians, Plastic Surgeons, Dietitians and Podiatrists who undertake the comprehensive Stem-Cell_Wound-Care program and we have achieved excellent results in our patients.

Points to Consider:

  • This treatment needs a careful pre-op assessment
  • Carefully selected patients have better results
  • This is advanced genetic therapy and is a costly multi-sitting undertaking
  • The success rate is 60-70% and requires constant monitoring and advanced comprehensive care to achieve results

The more experience your doctor has had with stem cells, the less risk you are likely to have. Talk to your doctor about how often side effects happen in his or her practice.


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